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Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20223 min read
Releasing yourself from "mind-crap" or limiting beliefs, boost your self confidence.
We all have some “crap” with us, past experiences that were not always nice or living with beliefs that are putting ourselves down like “...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20224 min read
How to be happy: the happiness algorithm revealed. Google executive explains it.
A great explanation of our happiness. Happiness = what we expect from life MINUS how we explain what is happening in our life. And now...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Fil and how he ReMasted himself
Learning to bringing out the best of yourself. Living the life you deserve, Who does not dream of that sometimes and just accepts that it...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20229 min read
95% chance we have a "frog brain" when it concerns change.
Research shows we only change when there is a real urgent need. The need can be avoiding pain and/or seeking pleasure. When I read...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
98% probability this year will be the same as last year despite all your good intentions, unless...
Research shows we only change only when there is a real need. The need can be avoiding pain and/or seeking pleasure. When do we act? Most...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
Understand your issue before we talk about solving it
Research says that 90-95% of our issues are connected with stress. Even when we have a physical issue, from a sore back to a skin rash to...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20224 min read
How do you deal with your (Mid)life’s struggles? Yes Plural ;-)
Last week I read a post about “the struggle of being you” from Nicoline Huizinga, and it made me think how we sometimes forget that we...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20222 min read
We live our life on automatic pilot, how to get in charge again?
I thought I share one of the concepts of why people do not have the happiness they want to have: Most people are not aware of it but they...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
Learn and experience your real qualities to achieve that happy and healthy life
Can we rewire our mind and body and become what we always desired to be? Yes, that is possible for everybody if we the right thing with...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
Fear and Trump, how to deal with fear
Fear or anxiety we al have them sometimes and nowadays it is the topic of the day with #Trump being elected to be the new president of...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
Robert Dilts recommends the ReMaster yourself workshop
Proud and happy, after the collective intelligence workshop of Robert Dilts I had a chat with him about the workshop, content, objective,...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
Relationships, 1+1=3 or 1+1=0
Relationships and bringing out the best of yourself and others, synergise the qualities of both. It sounds so lovely and in real life it...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
The Heart, the Head and the Gut mind, the art of self-development and intuition
How come that we sometimes have an idea in our head and our heart says no or our gut says no? How can we connect with our Gut feeling and...

Christoffel Sneijders
Jul 6, 20221 min read
body posture and emotions, overcoming negativity
Change the negative mood and live a more happy and doing that with changing your body posture How to live a happy and optimistic life,...
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