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Relationships? Which Brain is Talking? your Head, Heart or Gut? 1 day to go.

one day to go, as tomorrow is the launch and you can be the first to read it and have a free 3 brains coaching session or join for free one of the

"3Brains and Hypnotherapy Master Class” or the

"3Brains & NLP Master Class”!

What is your benefit to read this book?

This book answers the 2 main questions that pitifully even though thousands of books are written about relationships never has been answered properly: "why is it so hard to have happy relationships, and more important how to make them successful and healthy ?"

As still after all those books and guru's who proclaimed to have the answer ...

  • Why do we still fall for the bad boy or girl, why do we want to rescue them?

  • Why is it hard to speak out and share our emotions or needs ?

  • Why is it sometimes so hard to be vulnerable?

  • And why do people say the things they do?

You could wonder what is new in this book and what is that cutting-edge science that is needed to address this question?

Who do you think is in charge inside you, and is directing your emotions, your habits, or your cravings?

The old science would tell you the amygdala in your head, or your thoughts or what ever kind of nonsense.

What they don't tell you is that you have an actual brain in your Heart and Gut and that they run your show, they are your so called subconscious.

Why don't they tell you that?

Otherwise there business model with falls apart and they have to admit that they have been telling you balderdash all the time.

What you are about to discover in this book is the true missing link to human understanding and why people act and talk the way they do and what is the key to having healthy, loving and long-lasting relationships.

It is called the 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Brains theory!

Relationships? Which Brain is talking? The Ultimate guide to Happy, Healthy & Successful relationships, is built around crucial new insights into the science of human thinking and feeling.

Current research has upended the notion that we have in our heads a single powerful mind that is home to our thoughts, emotions, and reactions. In fact, science now tells us that we have not one, but three centers of thought, memory and decision-making!

Just like we all perceive, interpret, and react to the world in a distinctly different way, those 3 centers of wisdom have their individual responsibilities and strategies to serve us the best.

It is “just" the combination that makes it difficult and the fact that we actually do not know that we have these 3 centers of wisdom.

A little insight, why is it so hard to have happy relationships?

Reason 1: Our 3 Brains have a different view on the meaning of life, they have different responsibilities to keep us happy... The head is responsible for providing you the right prediction, your heart is responsible for your bonding with people and your gut is responsible for keeping you alive) meaning following the most dominant one (your Head, Heart or Gut) can give you the wrong outcome.

Reason 2: Our 3 Brains pitifully do NOT speak the same language, meaning if we are not aware how they communicate we don't know what they are sharing and what they advice us to do and that could end up in a painful relationship

Reason 3: Reflexively we stay loyal to the most dominant brain, and that could cause us pain, frustration, disappointment , destructive or failed relationships.

Relationships?! Which brain Is Talking will dissect this ground-breaking finding in detail to help you work on your relationships from the inside out.

In Relationships? Which Brain is talking?, you’ll learn about:

  • Why and how our 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - are the ultimate solution to healthy relationships

  • Identifying your default programming – which brain dominates you?

  • What does it mean to have a Head, Heart or Gut Brain Partner

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the 3 Brains in relationships

  • Practical and highly powerful techniques for dealing and communicating with a Head, Heart or Gut Brain situation or partner

  • Extra: How the 3 Brains function in children

  • And so much more!

So, whether you want to create better bonds with the people around you or simply want to live a more fulfilled and happy life, this enlightening read is for you.

Just order it on Amazon and a a show of heartfelt ❤️ appreciation for those of you contributing with an Amazon review and/or sharing the book in a post on LinkedIn (with a short message), Facebook, or Instagram (share book cover art on Instagram (Attached here), etc. I am organising two master classes of 2 hours each, to which you can subscribe for FREE

"3Brains and Hypnotherapy Master Class”

Date April 14th at 09:30 or at 16:00 Madrid time

"3Brains & NLP Master Class”,

Date April 21st at 09:30 or at 16:00 Madrid time

Big hug and love to see you at the masterclass!

Cheers Christoffel

PS What did an executive coach and manager who proof-read the book had to share about it?

This book has become the platform for a myriad of self-learnings and self-discoveries for me.

Like any good book or paper that introduces a new theory, “Relationships? Which Brain is talking?” sent my brain into overdrive as I connected all the information I was receiving to my own life experiences.

There were so many “ah huh” moments throughout this book for me.

This new theory of how each of our brains can hold memories, information, and support our decision making throughout our life experiences is a catalyst for more deeply understanding much of the common dialogue we hear.

For example “my gut is telling me”, “is your heart really in it?”, or my personal favourite Indonesia saying “Kepala bisa panas, tapi hati harus dingin” which translates to “the head can be heated but the hearts should cool”, this means anything can be resolved with cool heart and open mind.

These types of approaches to understanding ourselves and the drivers behind what we think, say, and do have been intertwined in the fabrics of our society already. However, my personal experience so far is that is usually stops with just the saying and the concept.

This book has allowed me to start to think more deeply about these three areas within me and how I can utilise this theory to connect more with myself.

One of the exercises in the book particularly stands out to me.

The exercise invites the person to speak their name to their head, heart and gut, all the while focussing deeply on anything that comes up via sensation, memory or thought etc.

During this exercise it became clear that there is a massive disconnect between my gut and my head & heart brains. Although to some degree I knew this already but had previously only been able to describe it as “something deep feels off but I cannot translate it into words or concepts, it is just a deeper sense, and that is where the problems lie the most.”

This exercise allowed me to more directly speak and listen to my gut brain, separating it from my heart and my head in this conversation, even just for a moment, to connect and understand that this is the area I need to work on and get to connect to better.

The three brain theory allows people to understand and connect to a more specific area and focus in on where things are really happening for them. This communication with oneself is vital and a lot of people are already aware of this, however understanding the three brains will allow people to communicate with more intention and get more out of the moments spent trying to deeply understand oneself.

Utilising the three brain theory when approaching communication with other people will also support and facilitate more healthy connections. Understanding, really deeply, where other people are at (heart brain), knowing if they are in defence or self-protection (gut brain), knowing if they are regurgitating things they have been taught by society or understanding (head brain, gut brain) can make navigating relationships a much simpler task.

As noted in the three brain theory “there is no point trying to communicate to a gut brain with a gut brain.”

Having basic concepts like this will help save a lot of time and energy for people in their daily life.

If you can read and understand the basis of people’s communication and what they are requesting for or thanking for at the core of their message, then you will be able to make better decisions about your responses.

“Should I just leave this conversation now and let things simmer down for a bit, or can I change my tone and words to create safety and a trusting environment for this person who is in full gut brain mode.”

These two main areas of learning from the book are what have grabbed my intrigue the most and what I hope to better understand and learn throughout this is that I want the ability to read the three brains of others and myself to become second nature.

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