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INDONESIAN Asesmen Preferensi 3 Otak

Tujuan: memiliki gambaran tentang preferensi keputusan Anda serta tindakan dan perilaku yang menyertainya, apakah lebih didominasi oleh more Head, Heart or Gut Brain?

Cara Pengisian:

Silakan pilih preferensi Anda pada skala ini dengan memilih apa yang paling cocok untuk Anda dalam perilaku Anda saat ini. Ini adalah tentang bagaimana Anda memutuskan dan berperilaku sekarang, bukan bagaimana Anda ingin memutuskan.

Saya menyadari bahwa dalam peran yang berbeda yang kita miliki dalam hidup kita, kita dapat memiliki preferensi yang berbeda, jadi saran saya adalah pilihlah satu peran tertentu yang Anda suka untuk mengakses dan mengisi kuesioner sesuai dengan peran tersebut.


Sebagai contoh

  1. "Saya mencari hasil: versus "Saya mencari solusi terbaik"

  2. Anda memberi tanda seusai penilaian diri Anda pada skala yang tersedia.

  3. Dengan mengingat bagaimana saya memutuskan/bertindak/berperilaku dalam peran ini.

  4. Mentok ke kiri atau 1 berarti: SAYA HANYA dan SELALU mencari hasil

  5. Mentok ke kanan atau 7 berarti SAYA HANYA dan SELALU mencari solusi terbaik

  6. Ini adalah skala 7 poin sehingga Anda dapat memilih preferensi Anda.

Saya mencari hasil



Saya mencari solusi terbaik

Ketika sesuatu yang negatif terjadi, saya menganalisis apa dan mengapa hal itu terjadi



Ketika sesuatu yang negatif terjadi, saya merasa tidak dapat mempercayai orang itu lagi

Saya menjelaskan dan meyakinkan dalam diskusi



Saya menjaga hubungan dalam diskusi

Saya mengikuti hasrat saya



Saya mengikuti pemikiran logis saya

Saya berorientasi pada “tindakan”



Saya berorientasi pada «berpikir»

Saya dapat mengesampingkan kebutuhan saya untuk yang lain



Saya mengurus diri sendiri terlebih dahulu sebelum saya membantu orang lain

Saya ingin mengenal orang-orang sebelum saya benar-benar terhubung



Saya mudah terhubung dengan orang-orang

Saya mengikuti naluri saya untuk membuat keputusan



Pengetahuan adalah aset terpenting



Kekuasaan adalah aset terpenting

Saya dihargai oleh orang-orang

Saya sukses

Saya lebih suka memiliki kendali

Saya lebih suka tim yang berada di balik pembuatan keputusan

Saya menyukai kompetisi

Saya menyukai proses kreatif

Saya menunjukkan atau membagikan emosi/perasaan saya dengan mudah



Saya tidak menunjukkan atau membagikan emosi/perasaan saya dengan mudah

Saya suka memecahkannya sendiri



Saya berbicara dengan orang untuk menemukan jawaban

Saya lebih suka memahami sesuatu sebelum saya membuat keputusan





Saya lebih suka komunikasi tertulis



Saya lebih suka komunikasi lisan





Receive your results


Relationships as seen on with usa today.jpg

Who do you think is in charge inside you, and is directing your emotions, your habits, or your cravings?

The old science would tell you the amygdala in your head, or your thoughts or what ever kind of nonsense.

What they don't tell you is that you have an actual brain in your Heart and Gut and that they run your show, they are your so called subconscious.

What you are about to discover in this book is the true missing link to human understanding and why people act and talk the way they do and what is the key to having healthy, loving and long-lasting relationships.


It is called the 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Brains theory!

Relationships? Which Brain is talking? The Ultimate guide to Happy, Healthy & Successful relationships, is built around crucial new insights into the science of human thinking and feeling.


So, whether you want to create better bonds with the people around you or simply want to live a more fulfilled and happy life, this enlightening read is for you.

3 Brains Certification Training Information

When you have a desire to master the techniques and attitude to assist others to overcome procrastination, stress, and ineffectual decision-making approaches, in order to boost teamwork and performance. 

These are the upcoming trainings 3 Brains Coach Certification Trainings

My promise: you will receive invaluable insights and master techniques that you can apply to your coaching, leadership, managerial, therapeutic, even personal situations relevant to you.

Upcoming Events

  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    Thu, Nov 07
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Nov 07, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+1 – Nov 29, 2024, 1:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Nov 07, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+1 – Nov 29, 2024, 1:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains Coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth and have profound achievements.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    Thu, Nov 07
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Nov 07, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Nov 29, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Nov 07, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Nov 29, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    The 3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth and have profound achievements
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    Thu, Jan 23
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jan 23, 2025, 9:00 AM GMT+1 – Feb 14, 2025, 1:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jan 23, 2025, 9:00 AM GMT+1 – Feb 14, 2025, 1:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    The 3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth and have profound achievements
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    Thu, Feb 20
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Feb 20, 2025, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Mar 14, 2025, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Feb 20, 2025, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Mar 14, 2025, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    The 3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth and have profound achievements
  • 3 Brains NLP practitioner coach training, the art of highly effective people
    3 Brains NLP practitioner coach training, the art of highly effective people
    Tue, Apr 22
    Apr 22, 2025, 9:30 AM – Apr 25, 2025, 5:00 PM
    Uclés, C. Angustias, 5, 16452 Uclés, Cuenca, Spain
    Apr 22, 2025, 9:30 AM – Apr 25, 2025, 5:00 PM
    Uclés, C. Angustias, 5, 16452 Uclés, Cuenca, Spain
    3 Brains NLP practitioner coach, the art of highly effective people
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU's EMCC 24 PE
    Thu, Sep 19
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Sep 19, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+2 – Oct 11, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Sep 19, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+2 – Oct 11, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    Thu, Sep 19
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Sep 19, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+2 – Oct 11, 2024, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Sep 19, 2024, 9:00 AM GMT+2 – Oct 11, 2024, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    Thu, May 30
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 30, 2024, 3:00 PM – Jun 21, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 30, 2024, 3:00 PM – Jun 21, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC for 40 CCEU's or 24 PE
    Thu, May 30
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 30, 2024, 9:00 AM – Jun 21, 2024, 1:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 30, 2024, 9:00 AM – Jun 21, 2024, 1:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    Thu, Apr 04
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Apr 04, 2024, 3:00 PM – Apr 26, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Apr 04, 2024, 3:00 PM – Apr 26, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF and EMCC 40 CCEU's
    Thu, Apr 04
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Apr 04, 2024, 9:00 AM – Apr 26, 2024, 1:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Apr 04, 2024, 9:00 AM – Apr 26, 2024, 1:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Intelligence Practitioner Training ICF for 10 CCEU's accredited
    3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Intelligence Practitioner Training ICF for 10 CCEU's accredited
    Thu, Feb 22
    3 Brains Intelligence Fundamentals
    Feb 22, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Feb 23, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Intelligence Fundamentals
    Feb 22, 2024, 3:00 PM GMT+1 – Feb 23, 2024, 7:00 PM GMT+1
    3 Brains Intelligence Fundamentals
    3 Brains - Head, Heart and Gut - Intelligence Practitioner Training is invaluable if you are looking to use your 3 minds to connect with everyone and change your outcome!
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited
    Thu, Jan 25
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jan 25, 2024, 3:00 PM – Feb 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jan 25, 2024, 3:00 PM – Feb 16, 2024, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited
    Thu, Oct 26
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Oct 26, 2023, 3:00 PM – Nov 17, 2023, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Oct 26, 2023, 3:00 PM – Nov 17, 2023, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 extra CCUE's
    3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 extra CCUE's
    Thu, Jun 15
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jun 15, 2023, 3:00 PM GMT+2 – Jul 14, 2023, 7:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jun 15, 2023, 3:00 PM GMT+2 – Jul 14, 2023, 7:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 extra CCUE's
    3 Brains Coach Certification Training ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 extra CCUE's
    Thu, Jun 15
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jun 15, 2023, 9:00 AM GMT+2 – Jun 16, 2023, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    Jun 15, 2023, 9:00 AM GMT+2 – Jun 16, 2023, 1:00 PM GMT+2
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 CCEU's as Group Mentoring
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF for 40 CCEU's accredited + 6 CCEU's as Group Mentoring
    Thu, May 04
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 04, 2023, 3:00 PM – May 26, 2023, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    May 04, 2023, 3:00 PM – May 26, 2023, 7:00 PM
    3 Brains Coach Certification ICF 40 CCEU
    3 Brains coach training is invaluable if you are looking to help your clients connect with themselves and their 3 inner wisdom centres to live in alignment with their truth.
  • 3Brains & NLP Master Class, the art of highly effective people
    3Brains & NLP Master Class, the art of highly effective people
    Fri, Apr 21
    Apr 21, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Apr 21, 2023, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
    Intensive 2 hour 3Brains & NLP Master Class. Learn techniques you can use directly in your work and/or private life

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Terima kasih telah melakukan tes preferensi 3 otak. Saya berharap hasil asesmen ini memberi Anda wawasan yang bermanfaat dan saya ingin mendengar komentar Anda.

Semoga harimu menyenangkan,


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